Roni Ben-Hur - Chordability: Mastering The Art of Jazz Voicing for Guitar - DVD






Product Code: D1216
Author: Roni Ben-Hur
Publisher SKU: MTM-65
UPC-A: 181212000658

A great new DVD by Roni Ben-Hur for intermediate and advanced guitarists!

Israeli born and New York City based guitarist Roni Ben-Hur has released eight acclaimed discs and is respected worldwide as a composer, arranger, bandleader, sideman to the greats, and as an innovative, supportive and crystal-clear music educator. In addition to his extensive performance history, he has initiated numerous successful jazz education programs and camps in the US, Brazil and Europe.

DVD includes 20 lessons - at $20, that's only $1 per lesson!

DVD Features:

Section 1, The Drop 2 and Drop 3 Voicings

-What’s a Drop 2 Voicing
- How to Practice the Drop 2
- Examples for Using Drop 2
- What’s a Drop 3 Voicing
- How to Practice the Drop 3

Section 2, Upper Extension Voicings

-The Major 6 Chord as a Minor 7 & Major 9 Chords
- The Major 7 Chord as a Minor 9 Chord
- The Minor 6 Chord as a Minor 7(b5) Chord
- The Minor 6 Chord as a 7(b9 #5) Chord

Section 3, The Diminished Chord

-What’s A Diminished Chord
- The Diminished Chord /Drop 2 and Drop 3
- The Diminished Chord as part of a Dominant Seventh Chord
- The Diminished Chord with Borrowed Notes

Section 4, Chord Progression Using the Major 6 and Diminished Chords

- The Major 6, Diminished, Major 6 Progression
- How to Practice The Major 6, Diminished, Major 6 Progression

Section 5, The Major and Minor 6 Diminished Scales

-What are the Major and Minor 6 Diminished Scales
- How to Practice the Major and Minor 6 Diminished Scale
- Practicing the Borrowed Notes On the Major 6 Diminished Scale
- Practicing the Borrowed Notes On the Minor 6 Diminished Scale