VOL. 10 - DAVID BAKER - Book/download audio tracks

Book w/MP3 Audio

Book w/MP3 Audio






Product Code: V10DS
Author: David Baker
Publisher: Jamey Aebersold Jazz
Series: Jamey Aebersold Play-A-Long
ISBN-13: 978-1-56224-147-6
ISBN-10: 1-56224-147-8
UPC-A: 635621000100

If you can read music, thank a teacher. If you can play and teach jazz, thank David Baker - a pioneer (or, as many believe, the pioneer) in jazz pedagogy, a prolific writer, a Grammy and Pulitzer nominee, and one of the finest jazz educators in the world. These 8 tunes represent some of his favorites and many were designed for instilling particular jazz skills into his students at Indiana University. Containing a wide variety of styles and tempos, this is truly performance level material designed to address the needs of advancing improvisers.

Rhythm Section: Dan Haerle (p); Rufus Reid (b); Jonathan Higgins & Charlie Craig (d)


Le Roi
Kentucky Oysters
Black Thursday
Bossa Belle
Soleil d'Altamira
Le Miroir Noir