Returns & Exchanges

30-Day 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

If you place an order and decide they are not what you expected, you may return them within thirty (30) days of the purchase date for a full refund of the merchandise price or exchange of your choice. If you placed the original order with your credit card, we will credit THAT card when your return is processed. If you placed your original order via check or money order, we will issue a refund check.

Merchandise Details

All materials must be in new, resale condition - NO exceptions.

We reserve the right to refuse returns from "chronic returners and/or exchangers."

We can NOT accept returns of any software products unless the software is defective. We can then only exchange it for a replacement copy. (That's not our rule -- it comes directly from the publishers of the software).

When returning the materials, include a COPY OF THE INVOICE in the package, along with a NOTE explaining your situation.

If you want to exchange the item(s) for something else, then clearly indicate what you need. We will credit any leftover funds to your original credit card. If there is a balance due, we will charge your card, or you may send payment.

Shipping Errors

If you were sent an item by mistake, you may return it within thirty (30) days of the purchase date. We'll do whatever we need to help fix the problem, and when appropriate, we'll credit you (either to your Jamey Aebersold Jazz® account, or to your credit card) for reasonable return postage for sending the item(s) back.

Damage Claims

These items may be returned for refund or exchange within fourteen (14) days of the purchase date. We will ship the replacements at our expense and, upon request, we will credit you (either to your Jamey Aebersold Jazz® account, or to your credit card) for reasonable return postage. If you want the credit applied to your CREDIT CARD, you MUST include your charge card information in the package, including the expiration date.

When returning the materials, include a COPY OF THE INVOICE in the package, along with a NOTE explaining your situation.

If you have a question/problem that is not listed here - please contact us for instructions via email at