by David Liebman and Matt Vashlishan.
This mini reference manual is a concise "all-in-one" primer for today's saxophonist and covers everything from how to hold the horn when putting it together to daily practice routines such as long tones, articulations, expressive devices, and overtones. It also includes some important insight into reeds, mouthpieces and other essential equipment. If you learn one thing from this book, it was well worth the price!
Digital Download only. No print editions available.
"One of the most inspiring musicians and educators of his generation, David Liebman, along with associate Matt Vashlishan, concisely distill a lifetime of information into an easy to use guide no saxophonist should be without."
"Saxophone Basics is a daily practice guide for saxophonists. This pocket publication provides lots of essential and important information pertaining to saxophone playing and in particular, practicing. Contents are varied from assembly, posture, breathing, oral cavity, larynx, embouchure, practicing, daily routine, articulation, scales and arpeggios, special tips, expressive devices, maintenance, disassembly, and review of practice schedule. My favorite section is the overtone guide with some outstanding instruction on how to learn/practice in the altissimo register via the overtone system with many exercises. The often neglected long tones are well covered as well. What makes this practice guide so useful is that it fits in the music case or your pocket. And yet, it offers lots of information with a 68 page format and priced right along with diagrams and more."
- International Association Of Jazz Educators Magazine
Liebman addresses the bare necessities in this booklet, co-written with Matt Vashlishan. This pocket sized booklet is meant to provide a handy reference guide for your practice program. The authors touch on several important physical aspects of playing (like posture, breathing, embouchure, using the larynyx and even saxophone maintenance). Things become especially interesting when they get into overtone exercises and articulation tips.
- Down Beat Magazine