Darren Fellow’s “Perfect Practice” embraces the idea that there are no shortcuts or quick, easy fixes to become a good trumpet player. Practice, or rather practicing in the optimum way, is a key factor in achieving your goal. A structured, well thought out practice routine will help with this and ensure that constant improvement and development is achieved. Musicians often waste lots of time because they were never taught the most effective and efficient way to practice. Practicing the right way can mean the difference between a good trumpet player and a great trumpet player!
This extensive method is broken up into key areas of daily practice including mouthpiece buzzing, long tones, single tonguing, double & triple tonguing, flexibility exercises, vocalises, high note range exercises, and cool down exercises. As you go through a set from each section each day, you get stronger, play more effortlessly, and increase your range and endurance like never before.
This method is making a huge splash, just ask Thomas Gansch and Tim Morrison, you can read their thoughts below. Check out tons of samples to the left then grab an immediate PDF download above.
Thomas Gansch, Mnozil Brass: “Perfect Practice – A Complete Practice Routine for the Trumpeter by Darren Fellows is a great guide to become a fine player and contains all the important routines of a trumpeter player’s daily work out, like warming up, buzzing, lip flexibilities and tonguing. I recommend this book to everyone who wants a full scale trumpet work out in only one book, it’s all in here!”
Tim Morrison, Boston Pops Orchestra: “Fellows’ book, “Perfect Practice” is put together in a cohesive and intelligent manner making it a “must have” in every trumpet player’s library. It’s definitely a noteworthy addition to the repertoire of trumpet studies!”