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Effortless Mastery

Paperback Book/Online Audio

Paperback Book/Online Audio






Product Code: EM
Author: Kenny Warner
Publisher: Jamey Aebersold Jazz
ISBN-13: 978-1-56224-003-5
ISBN-10: 1-56224-003-X
UPC-A: 635621500297

"'Effortless Mastery, Liberating The Master Musician Within' is a book that the world really needs. Effortless Mastery was not written by a philosopher or an academic. Kenny Werner, is one of my favorite pianists I've ever had the pleasure of working with, and in my opinion one of the best pianists living on the planet. Kenny teaches that 'The joy of practicing is concentration. The joy of playing is liberation.' Effortless Mastery teaches the seeker how to achieve both at the highest levels. It also shows how to practice effectively, promoting real growth and how to play and perform free from fear and self-judgement. I highly recommend this book."
-Quincy Jones

"His book is tremendous. I love the feeling of inventing music as I go along and Kenny’s method helped me to break the BS barrier. The music I was looking for is all about freedom, the freedom to express myself and my deepest feelings. Improvisational music needs preparation, accepting and trusting your instincts, and you are only as good as all the negative energy you can eliminate from your performance. Kenny Werner’s book, Effortless Mastery, can open that door and get you in touch with your own uniqueness. The book’s approach helped me find my own personal expression. Effortless Mastery is simple, direct, perfect…and profound."
-Herb Alpert

Book with Online Audio by Kenny Werner
(VIDEO of Kenny discussing Effortless Mastery is also available. See product code EMD)

Playing music should be as simple and natural as drawing a breath, yet most musicians are hindered by self-consciousness, apprehension, self-doubt, and stress. Before we can truly express our inner self, we must first learn to be at peace and overcome the distractions that can make performance difficult.

Kenny's remarkable work deals directly with these hindrances, and presents ways to let our natural creative powers flow freely with minimal stress and effort. Includes online audio tracks of inspiring meditations designed to initiate positive thought. This book has become a favorite of many musicians who credit it with changing their lives!

Many are so impressed that they buy copies for their musician friends as gifts. Easy, effortless reading paperback.


Meditation/Exercise #1
Meditation/Exercise #2
Meditation/Exercise #3
Meditation/Exercise #4