EAR TRAINING - All 3 Volumes






Product Code: EAR-ALL
Author: Elvo S. D'Amante
Publisher: Encore Music Publishing Company
Series: Ear Training
Instrumentation: All

Volumes 1, 2, and 3 by Elvo S. D'Amante. Get the entire 3 book, 11 CD course and save!

Volume 1: Scale Forms through Six Basic Tetrachords. 80 page book and 2 CDs. All common scales and modes, Six Basic Tetrachords, and over 114 minutes of CD lessons, studies, and drills.

Volume 2: Twelve Basic Interval Sounds to Master. Book/5 CDs. Defines intervals (Ascending & Descending Melodic Intervals, Harmonic Intervals, The Diatonic Major-Key Signature, Simple & Compound Intervals, Chromatic Intervals, Interval Inversion, Interval Grouping, etc...) Includes over 360 minutes of CD lessons, studies, and drills.

Volume 3: Capturing the Basic Chord Sound Qualities. Book/4 CDs. Captures the sounds of the most-used melodic and harmonic chord qualities. Includes over 290 minutes of CD lessons, studies, and drills.