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VOLUME 2 - NOTHIN' BUT BLUES - Book/download audio tracks

Book w/MP3 Audio

Book w/MP3 Audio






Product Code: V02DS
Author: Jamey Aebersold
Publisher: Jamey Aebersold Jazz
Series: Jamey Aebersold Play-A-Long
ISBN-13: 978-1-56224-128-5
ISBN-10: 1-56224-128-1
UPC-A: 635621000025

Beginning/Intermediate. The blues have contained the very essence of the jazz sound since the 1920s. A player who masters the sound and feel of the blues will play other jazz tunes in a manner that will inspire the listener. Contains 11 different blues melodies and is a natural follow-up to Volume 1 or Volume 21. Tempos are not fast. Presented in various keys with a variety of moods from slow to rock. Chords and scales are written in the staff for each track.

A special guitar edition is now available (product code V02G)!

Rhythm Section: Dan Haerle (p); Rufus Reid (b); Mike Hyman (d)

Suggested Prerequisites: Volumes 24, 1, & 21


Mr. Super Hip
6/4 Modal Blues
Slow Blues In F
Fast Blues In Bb
Long-Meter Jazz/Rock
Home Stretch
Horizontal (C Blues)
Slow Blues In G
Fast Blues In F
Minor Blues In C
Bird Blues
Shanghai Blues
Jazz Forever
Boogaloo Beat
Green Tea
SJW Blues